Home > Artworks > Victor Fernando Irecio Lemes

Photo of Victor Fernando Irecio Lemes Uruguay

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Victor Fernando Irecio, nascent PaysandUruguay City on 27 September 1975. Curssus studies in this city, drawing with Professor JosLuis Borchers, and was illustrator sanduceras humorsticas publications and newspapers from 1995. Later expression involving the plastic contest organized by Paylana, Collage Workshop and the Daily telegraph, which was selected for a course in Design with Professor Julio Elizalde. From the...

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Victor Fernando Irecio, nascent PaysandUruguay City on 27 September 1975. Curssus studies in this city, drawing with Professor JosLuis Borchers, and was illustrator sanduceras humorsticas publications and newspapers from 1995. Later expression involving the plastic contest organized by Paylana, Collage Workshop and the Daily telegraph, which was selected for a course in Design with Professor Julio Elizalde. From the year 2001 iniciestudios by the National Institute of Fine Arts in our city, they have spread Drawing and Painting Sculpture, photography and ceramics. Mural is the author of west wing of the Lyceum N1 City Paysand. In addition integrate it Itinerant artists group Art Ro Emerging Black plastic. He was a student at the Workshop of the plastic artist Alvar Colombo and Javier Santamaria. 2004 to enter Teachers' Institute Artigas as a student in visual communication Drawing orientation. Inaugurated in December 2006 his workshop next to the plastic arts plastic artist Aida Garcia. Desempea currently drawing a teacher in high school, a professor of plastic arts and graphic designer, in addition to participating in solo and group exhibitions in Argentina Paysandy City. Solo Exhibitions May 2009 - 1 Award Body Painting, Open Americas Cup, organized by the Organisation Mondiale coiffeur, Buenos Aires, Argentina, representing Uruguay. February 2009 - ECHOES OF COLOR: CARNIVAL SANDUCERO paintings, FIAT LUX library in the city of Columbus, RA. November 2008 - 2 awards in Body Painting in the city of Cordoba in the Crystal Cup Championship 2008 in the category Hair Styling fantasize characterization. October 2008 - Exhibition of their work and their students in a showcase of poetry in the Alliance Paysand French. Body Painting Atelier Show at Barber Center Paysand. June 2008 - Exhibition at School INSPECTION Paysanden the framework of the celebrations of the birth of JosGervasio Artigas. May 2008 - Body Painting in studio and hair fashion show by the teachings of hairdresser Institute in Columbus Silvia Magdalena, RA. April 2008 - Exhibition in the celebrations for the inauguration of the high school in June. December 2007 - Invited by the House of SUEAPALABRA writer for a charcoal drawing of the poetry book cover OCTOBER / BLUE. November 2007 - Exhibition in the hall of the Lyceum Vaz Ferreira Paysandy n1 of talk about identity and heritage with the history teacher Lujn Mayans. Exhibition and talk at school and school of colored stones. October 2007 - Exhibition of cinders OLD CEMETERY MONUMENT to perpetuity - Identity and Heritage, at the Institute of Teacher formation. October 2006 - Exhibition of fine coal in the inspection of schools, high schools N2 and N5 in the framework of the celebrations of 250 years of the founding process of the city of Paysand. August 2006 - Body Painting in Benfica event in the city of Colon, Entre Rios, Argentina in the Republic to benefit the local Hospital. June 2006 - Show and talk about how they see and experience the art aimed at teachers in formation, formation at the Institute of Teachers. November 2005 - Body Painting for Cuca Regueira in a fashion show of the Spring-Summer collection held at the Exhibition Fair Paysand City. October 2005 - Display of work at the Bar in the city of Paysand. Exhibition at the Swiss Society. July 2005 - Body Painting at the Columbus Film Charles Chaplin in Fashion Show, Color, Brightness and Hairstyles organized by designer Fernando Usti and Silvia Magdalena Master Hairdresser. March 2005 - Body Painting in Sahara Disc Paysand. December 2004 - Body Painting on the 6th Meeting of musicians performed at the winery in Paysand Beccaria. October 2004 - Carbon in the Centennial Theatre in the City of Columbus, Entre Rios, Argentina Republic next to the plastic artist Jorge Colombo. Cinders at the Institute of Educacin Piaguazde Paysand City. Participate in a class with students discussing techniques used. Body Painting at the Hotel Quirinale in the City of Columbus. Entre Rios. September 2004 - First exhibition of charcoal drawings in the room Bellafonte Eurpides the Municipal Directorate of Culture entitled Paysandmi city. Group exhibitions in January 2009 - MUESTRARTE X as part of the feast of the press, along with local artists. May 2008 - Exhibition in the hall of the Lyceum Vaz Ferreira Paysandjunto n1 of 5 students of art. October 2007 - Spring Salon of Plastic Arts organized by the Institute CESEIC formation Teaching Paysand City. March 2007 - Mural Institute of Physics Secondary Educacin with companions of IENBA courses. February 2007 - Exhibition of plastic arts with his workshop students and companions of fine art to complete the Summer period 2006-7 from his workshop. November 2006 - Mural in the city INAU Paysandjunto to companions of Fine Arts. Second Division salon che mbaapo plastic and visual arts organized by the School of Plastic Arts Exhibition Rosario in high school No. 2 of the City of Paysandcon companions of Fine Arts Courses . September 2006 - First meeting of sculptors in the city of Flores. Exhibition of Plastic Arts at school N 100 Paysand City. Artistic makeup for children invited by the Plastic Arts Workshop Blue Horses in Plaza Artigas. July 2006 - CESEIC formation at the Institute for Teaching on the occasion of the Second National Forum Educaciny Art in Paysand-July 2006-1 Winter group show of CESEIC Plastic Arts (Center for Studies and Research Sanducero ceramic) at the Institute of Teacher formation. Enero 2006-9 edition of Muestrarte in the context of the Feast of the Press. October 2005 - Annual Show CESEIC jobs: Center for Studies and Research Sanducero ceramics. Exhibition organized by the plastic artist in the Mac DodPrez Shopping Center. September 2005 - Exhibition in the Plaza Colon in a plastic Paysandjunto and Artisans. July 2005 - Shows plastic in the Charles Chaplin Film of Columbus, along with the plastic artist Mabel GINC and Javier Santamaria. May 2005 - Exhibition and Chapicuy to open class with group INSPECTION School of Fine Arts. April 2005 - Body Painting - makeup designer parade Cuca Regueira and displayed next to the Artists Albar Colombo, Jorge Costa, Javier Santamaria, Adriana Dupont July Elizalde. February 2005 - In Group Facilitator activities of the Coast in the Summer Program 2005. January 2005 - Press Party with students of Fine Arts. December 2004 - Plastic Arts with Fine Arts group in the 6 Meeting of musicians performed at the winery in Paysand Beccaria. 2003 - Sculptures in an exhibition at the Institute of Teacher formation with faculty and students teaching.

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